Activate Your Success
Visualize, Plan, Act, Achieve!

Keynote Speaking & Lecture Series
Get Ready to Take Action

Academic Success Workshops
Dream Big to Achieve

Commencement Speaking
March Boldly Into Life

Business & Legal Consulting
Implementing Your Ideas

Leadership Development
Meaningful & Memorable

Executive Coaching
Seize the Opportunity

Cortlan J. Wickliff:
The Full Story
Kick Your Passion Into Overdrive
Get ready to live your best life. Dr. Cortlan J. Wickliff, Esq. provides the tools needed to push your ambitions into overdrive, so that you can make your vision for your future a daily reality. Dr. Wickliff has been motivating audiences of all ages for more than 15 years, with his unique a relate-able approach to presenting. He meets the audience where they are and guides them to where they want to be with a one-of-a-kind personality, life experience and contagious enthusiasm that is guaranteed to leave a lasting impression! Audiences leave motivated and ready to achieve success!

Cortlan J. Wickliff: Trailblazers

Cortlan J. Wickliff: Driven

Myth of Being Smart - Cortlan Wickliff
Contact Cortlan
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