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Kelli in the Morning Interviews Dr. Cortlan J. Wickliff, Esq.

November 5, 2019
Kelli O'Neil, Kool 95.1 Podcast

At 22 years old Dr. Cortlan J Wickliff Esq made history as the youngest African-American to graduate from Harvard Law School. Now Cortlan is using his knowledge and drive to help motivate high school and college students throughout the great state of Texas (Cortlan is a born and bred Texas boy)!


Dr. Cortlan J Wickliff Esq He has an educational speaking tour, Be Driven to Succeed throughout Texas that started on October 28th. He is speaking to over 40,000 high school and college students on the importance of academic success, how to navigate college admissions and career development. One of his many accomplishments is that he was the youngest engineer in the country when he graduated Rice University at the age of 19 as well as one of the youngest African Americans to graduate Harvard Law School at 22 years old. He will also be speaking about the new edition of his book Young and Driven: Overdrive.

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